All 2017 Nomad Summit Talks: Free Access
I'm super excited to be able to share all of these full length talks with everyone reading my blog openly and without charging for access. I'm a huge believer in abundance, openly sharing information, and win/win situations for everyone involved. The Nomad Summit is the pinnacle of just that. I created the conference in 2015 after seeing how big of a need there was for a place for everyone to get together, share information and network with people with similar mindsets, lifestyles and business goals. This year marked the 3rd annual event and it was the biggest one yet with 365 attendees. But even better than that, hundreds of thousands of people will get to watch the videos online which I'm posting here in this blog post.
To get the most out of the videos and the conference, watch them in order, don't skip ahead, and put your phone on silent. Treat the experience as if you were actually at the conference, and immerse yourself in the talks. I've curated the talks in an order for everyone to get the best balance of actionable tips as well as inspiration to actually implement the hard work needed to achieve the success of all of the speakers. Here are the first three talks in full thanks to our sponsors Iglu and Empire Flippers who made it possible for us to give away free access to all of this year's presentations.
The theme of the 2017 Nomad Summit was Leveling Up, and the topic for Hanne's talk was exactly that. She talks about how creating a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) may be no longer good enough in 2017 if there are already first movers to the market. If you're not first in your market, no one will buy it if it's not uniquely better.
Even though her talk now destroys my talk from 2016 about why you should always start with an MVP, I put my ego aside and invited her to to come speak as I knew how important it is to constantly improve. Watch her full talk below and see how she helps develop new products for a company that does millions of dollars a year in sales, while working remotely.
Her talk was voted as one of the audience's favorites this year and for good reason. It was the perfect follow up to Hanne's talk on creating a better than minimal viable product, and leveling up your business image and standards. With limited design and tech knowledge, she's managed to create a business worth over $2.5 million dollars by using these simple hacks that she graciously shares in this presentaion.
One of the goals for the digital nomad movement is to get away from the notion that everyone is building a lifestyle business, or freelancing just to make enough to get by and continue traveling. It's our time to level up in life, income and business, and this talk will help you get started.
This is the talk specifically chosen to help inspire the younger, snapchat generation of digital nomads who haven't yet taken the plunge yet into the travel and location independent world.
This talk was supposed to be on how to travel long term and work as a digital nomad without getting burnt out by taking care of yourself along the way. I don't think she ever got to her point before running out of time but the overall idea is something much needed in the nomad community.
Mr. Think Outside the box was our bonus speaker for the year and we were super excited to have him as a last minute presenter for the year. Jubril travels around the world with a full team of videographers that document his daily life, while he earns a living running facebook ad campaigns for big names like the often annoying Tai Lopez, controversial Timothy Sykes, James Altucher, major fitness celebrities and other multi-million dollar brands.
I've created a separate blog post for my talk as there's a lot of backstory behind it that I wanted to share. You can read my blog post and watch my full talk here.
I've learned a ton from putting together this year's conference and here's the recap and review that I wrote after getting the survey results from the attendees on how we can make it even better next year.
I hope to see everyone in 2018! Make sure you sign up for the email list to get notified on when the early bird tickets go on sale for next year!
Warm Regards,
Johnny FD
To get the most out of the videos and the conference, watch them in order, don't skip ahead, and put your phone on silent. Treat the experience as if you were actually at the conference, and immerse yourself in the talks. I've curated the talks in an order for everyone to get the best balance of actionable tips as well as inspiration to actually implement the hard work needed to achieve the success of all of the speakers. Here are the first three talks in full thanks to our sponsors Iglu and Empire Flippers who made it possible for us to give away free access to all of this year's presentations.
Hanne Vervaeck: MVP Killer
The theme of the 2017 Nomad Summit was Leveling Up, and the topic for Hanne's talk was exactly that. She talks about how creating a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) may be no longer good enough in 2017 if there are already first movers to the market. If you're not first in your market, no one will buy it if it's not uniquely better.
Even though her talk now destroys my talk from 2016 about why you should always start with an MVP, I put my ego aside and invited her to to come speak as I knew how important it is to constantly improve. Watch her full talk below and see how she helps develop new products for a company that does millions of dollars a year in sales, while working remotely.
Just in case you're curious, the reason why MVP's no longer work is because for most businesses you no longer have first movers advantage.
If you are getting into a new category or starting a business for the first time without viable competitors, creating an MVP is still the way to go. But if you are trying to compete with other big name players, you'll want to follow Hanne's advice below.
Here is my talk on MVP Hacking from last year's conference for reference. My advice is that if you are creating a similar product that already exists, you need to follow Hanne's advise and create an MMP instead. If you are creating a business in a niche that isn't competitive or in a unique area, start with an MVP.
Leanne Beasley: Skill Hacks
Her talk was voted as one of the audience's favorites this year and for good reason. It was the perfect follow up to Hanne's talk on creating a better than minimal viable product, and leveling up your business image and standards. With limited design and tech knowledge, she's managed to create a business worth over $2.5 million dollars by using these simple hacks that she graciously shares in this presentaion.
One of the goals for the digital nomad movement is to get away from the notion that everyone is building a lifestyle business, or freelancing just to make enough to get by and continue traveling. It's our time to level up in life, income and business, and this talk will help you get started.
As mentioned in Leanne's talk, she founded along with Sam Marks who spoke at the 2016 Nomad Summit. We're fortunate to have both of them as part of the Nomad Summit speaking family and for them to represent the next level of what's possible for digital nomads.
Watch Sam's full presentation here on how he managed to help build and sell a business for close to $100 Million Dollars.
David Vu: $250,000 on Udemy
This is the guy who opened my mind on what's possible and what types of businesses could work if you have the right mentality, hunger and drive. David has made hundreds of thousands of dollars online in business niches that are commonly thought to be impossible. Before meeting David, I too listened to the naysayers online, most of which have never done it themselves, and heard that platforms like udemy and ebay didn't work for people who wanted to make real money.
It turns out that what David describes as the hungry immigrant mentality was the key to making both platforms generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit when everyone else kept away, looking for something hotter, newer, or more lucrative. David has made over a quarter of a million dollars selling the #1 Business Course on Udemy alone, not including the money he has made running his own ebay stores, airbnb business, and other courses.
Listen to the interview on the Travel Like a Boss podcast that started it all. When I first heard of David online, I was skeptical, but instead of listening to people online, in anonymous facebook and reddit groups and online forums, I decided to find out myself if what he said was legit or too good to be true.
It was because of him that I now truly believe that anything is possible and that as long as you are willing to put in enough work, you can make virtually any business a success. Listen to the interview with David Vu that started it all. Or read a review of David Vu's ebay course here.
Why Are These Free?
The biggest expenses to put together the conference was renting the venue followed by providing lunch, coffee, drinks, and snacks for attendees. But the second biggest expense was hiring a professional video crew to film the event, and then edit down over 10 hours of footage into watchable segments. But thanks to our sponsors Iglu and Empire Flippers they've helped pay for the videographer expenses making it possible to share these videos publically and for free for everyone.
Here are videos 4-8! I originally wanted to create three separate posts for them but it made more sense just to embed them all there into one.
Quinn Zeda:
If you have a website, you need to watch Quinn's talk from the 2017 Nomad Summit. She breaks down simple tricks on how to increase your UX (user experience) which not only makes the browsing experience better for your readers but it turns more of them into high paying customers and encourages them to want to share your site with their friends and social media!
Riley Bennett:
This is the talk specifically chosen to help inspire the younger, snapchat generation of digital nomads who haven't yet taken the plunge yet into the travel and location independent world.
March Brenwall:
Possibly the most inspiring talk of the year, March went from being paid $2 an hour as a Filipino VA (virtual assistant) to making over $7,000 a month with her online business and becoming her own Lady Boss. She now hires her own team of employees and is a true inspiration to millions of people worldwide.
Emma McLaren:
This talk was supposed to be on how to travel long term and work as a digital nomad without getting burnt out by taking care of yourself along the way. I don't think she ever got to her point before running out of time but the overall idea is something much needed in the nomad community.
Jubril Agoro:
Mr. Think Outside the box was our bonus speaker for the year and we were super excited to have him as a last minute presenter for the year. Jubril travels around the world with a full team of videographers that document his daily life, while he earns a living running facebook ad campaigns for big names like the often annoying Tai Lopez, controversial Timothy Sykes, James Altucher, major fitness celebrities and other multi-million dollar brands.
Johnny FD:
The Wrap Up
I've learned a ton from putting together this year's conference and here's the recap and review that I wrote after getting the survey results from the attendees on how we can make it even better next year.
I hope to see everyone in 2018! Make sure you sign up for the email list to get notified on when the early bird tickets go on sale for next year!
Warm Regards,
Johnny FD
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