
Las Palmas, Gran Canaria - Guide to the Canary Islands for Digital Nomads and Expats

It's been an incredible two months here on Gran Canaria and it's a place that I could definitely see myself moving to as a permane...


Amazon Black Friday Shopping Spree: What I Bought!

My parents always know when I'm getting ready for a trip back to the U.S. because packages start arriving like it's a week before Ch...


Selling on Amazon vs. Shopify (or both!)

There's always been a huge battle between using Amazon or FBA to sell your products and selling directly to customers using Shopify. Wel...


Udemy's $10 Black Friday Sale Starts Today!

Hey what's up, it's now 2017 and It's almost black  friday again so I figured I'd update this list of my favorite $10 U...


Why I'm Going to Tony Robbin's Date With Destiny

For a lot of you following my blog, you might think my life is pretty good and that I have it all figured out. But the truth is, I sometimes...


Retiring My Parents.

Two years ago today I called my parents and told them that they could both retire. I honestly didn't know what I was signing up for at t...


Income Report: October 2017 - Las Palmas, Gran Canaria - Canary Island Digital Nomad

Wake up late, walk on the beach to the coworking space, have a long lunch, write a blog post, finish work early to go snorkeling, then hav...

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2020 Travel Plans and 2019 Recap: 11 Countries Traveled!

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A post written for friends and family - Step by Step instructions on How to start your own online store.